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Where stories are told, truths are unearthed, voices are heard, and a new narrative begins. 

RavenSPEAK: Amplified
RavenSPEAK: Amplified    June 14, 2018

Indigenous leaders & storytellers-visible, masterful, amplified, & connected

Mastery /Courage / Community / Resurgence

RavenSPEAK is where stories are told, truths are unearthed, voices are heard, and a new narrative begins. Together, we will elevate the compelling voices, vital messages, and remarkable profiles of Indigenous peoples.

RavenSPEAK: Amplified will  be the launch of the RavenSPEAK program on June 14, 2018. RavenSPEAK: Amplified is an evening showcase event  with  incredible Indigenous change-makers sharing  personal, punchy, passionate, powerful talks.

Vancouver Civic Theatres is a sponsor/co-presenter of the Annex - a spunky venue in the heart of downtown Vancouver. The Annex will be PERFECT for RavenSPEAK’s first showcase performance.


Racelle Kooy

Carol Anne Hilton 
CEO, Indigenomics Institute  

Karen Joseph
CEO, Reconciliation Canada 

Candace Campo
Founder, Talaysay Tours

Chief Harvey McLeod 
Chief, Upper Nicola Indian Band

Charlene Sanjenko 
Founder, PowHERhouse

Wawmeesh Hamilton
Journalist, The Discourse 

Marissa Nahanee
Client Relations,
Indigenous Community for Leadership and Development


Indigenous leaders & storytellers - visible, masterful, amplified & connected